Reasons Of Having Trees In Our Community
Having wide variety of trees in the neighborhood seems like a great idea, but why really? There are certain obvious advantages that can immediately come to the mind like improving the aesthetics of the place (by the use of creative tree pruning techniques), or improving the air quality of the place. But apart from these, there are lot many other benefits that the trees provide- on a broader as well as more detailed levels. Some of the reasons why we should have trees in Planning and Development are listed below:
- Monetary benefits:
This might seem strange at the first thought, but that’s true! Those homes which have more trees in their backyard or those streets where the number of trees are more- sell for more money as compared to the homes where the presence of trees in considerably less. Homes located on tree-lined streets sells faster as well. The reasons for these could be just the mental effects of trees on humans, or could be that some people might just prefer to sit in the shade of the tree and save the cost of air conditioning.
This not only applies to homes, but even those businesses which have plenty of trees around them, flourish better since people tend to spend more time in such surroundings. This is why, the Tree planning consultancy services gives the advice of having more trees.
- Environmental benefits:
We always knew that trees do absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for us to breathe. But, it is great to know that they also absorb pollutants like nitrogen oxide, dust particles, ammonia, sulphur dioxide etc. They even protect us by absorbing the storm water and holding up the soil. They not only help us in living in a good habitat, but also serve as a home for birds, many varieties of insects and some animals as well. That provides us enough reasons to adopt safe tree retention and protection strategies.
- Health benefits:
Apart from reducing the pollution, they also provide a cool shade for people to walk on the streets and protect themselves from the harmful UV rays. Presence of large number of trees creates a social space where children play, adults spent time talking and everyone improves there mental health. It can lead to reduction in blood pressure as well. It is also a well known fact that patients recover fast if they have access to a view with lots of trees and plants.
- Social Benefits:
Trees in the backyard can give privacy to people, by blocking the views from unwanted surroundings. In a way, they also reduce noise pollution.
You can learn about more benefits by going through arboriculture training. The training will also help you to take care of the trees already existing in your locality. You can even get an arboriculture impact assessment done if you are considering the growth of trees in your area. Sharing this information in local community can lead to creation of nice neighborhoods!