How do I know when a tree is sick?
There’s nothing you can do about a dead tree, but a sick tree can definitely be saved. Many times people think that once a tree begins growing, you can leave it alone, and it’ll be just fine. But that is not true. Tree care is important and essential, especially if you do not want a diseased tree. If you can’t, for whatever reason, take proper care of your tree, tree doctors exist, and they can help you.
Tree care cannot be overlooked for many reasons, and a straightforward reason is the benefits they give. It can be obvious sometimes to spot a dying tree. But it’s not always that easy. Here is what you can do to check if your tree is dying.
Begin looking from the ground up. First, you must examine the roots and check if there are signs of decay like mushrooms or fungi. Or if there are severed roots and the ground is heaving up. The tree’s collar is next; this is the part of the trunk that is right above the soil. Here you need to search for loose or peeling bark or if there are deep slits and cracks in the tree. Next, the trunk is to be observed for swelling, small holes, cavities, and decaying or soft wood. These are also signs of decay. For the canopy, you need to look for branches that seem to be dead or dying or if they lack bark and leaves. Another obvious visual aid for signs of decay is problems in the leaves, be it spots, discoloration, deformed leaves, or holes. Lastly, look for dead sections of bark on the tree or limbs and branches that are leaning.
If you find these symptoms, look up what you can do to help your tree, as the solution can differ from tree to tree. Another option, as mentioned earlier, can simply be to call a tree doctor to help. In that way, you’re taking care of a tree that’s taken care of you, and you’re ensuring safety for all.