How to Observe Dangerous Trees? What are the Tips to Avoid Them?

How to Observe Dangerous Trees What are the Tips to Avoid ThemTrees are a great blessing for us as they give us shade from the heat, oxygen, wood, food, rubber, medicinal resources and much more. It is hard to believe that trees can be dangerous for us and honestly speaking human beings are a greater danger to trees as many of us do not take care of trees around us. Our careless approach or our faulty practices can make a tree dangerous for us. Sometimes, natural factors can also lead to a dangerous tree. Whether a tree is dangerous or not, can be righteously assessed by an arboricultural consultancy in India. When exactly a tree around you needs an appointment with certified arboriculture expert can be figured out by looking for following things in a tree:

The overall appearance of the tree: The overall appearance of the tree instantly tells that a tree under consideration could be dangerous. For instance, if a tree leaning in leaning one direction, it may fall due to adverse weather conditions or earthquakes or other human activities. Similarly, just by looking at the tree you can find that its branches are dried and falling down which means that the tree is now dangerous and can cause harm to men and material around unless safe tree retention and protection strategies or tree pruning techniques are not adopted on time as per the case demands.

Canopy: Too dense canopy or too thin canopy, both are not good signs for your tree. Dense canopy bars your tree to get sufficient sunlight leading to decaying of the tree. Whereas thin canopy signals that the tree is not able to retain its leaves or grow fresh leaves thus the tree is unhealthy or dying. 

Trunk: Holes and cracks in tree trunk indicate that the tree is prone to fall and thus a danger for life and property around it. When you will call for a tree arborist in Mumbai, he will confirm you about the status of a tree by checking the bark of the tree, a falling bark is a clear symptom of an infected tree or a dead tree.

Roots of the tree: Both the absorbing roots and anchoring roots indicate in their own way about the health condition of the tree. A layman may find it difficult to differentiate in the roots of a healthy and unhealthy tree but merely by looking at the tree root, a certified arborist in Mumbai will immediately assess if the roots are decaying or suffering from fungal infection or dying.

So, if you find any of the above issues in your tree then rush to find a contact of certified arborist. For seeking a perfect solution, try to hire an arboriculture consultancy in Mumbai which offers all types of tree care solutions including tree planning consultancy services, tree health care services, assessing a dangerous tree and preparing reports for pruning and removal applications for the tree.

Checklist to Ensure That Your Tree is Healthy:

Trees are also living beings like humans. Similar to human being trees also suffer illness and can die if proper care is not taken. Thus, regular health check-ups of a tree are essential. If you love your tree you will spend time with it and will be able to observe for unwanted changes in the tree which will indicate you about the tree’s health. You can also call a certified tree arborist agency in Mumbai who will send an expert to astutely inspect the health of the tree. Sometimes, you are unsure that whether you need the services of tree care experts in Mumbai or not, in such cases you can check your tree for the following points in your tree before calling a certified arborist in Mumbai:

Trunk: The trunk of the tree prominently indicates the health condition of the tree. If your tree is full of bark then it is certainly healthy but if nearly half of the bark is missing then your tree needs urgent attention by an established arborist in Mumbai. Woodpecker holes are also indicative of an unhealthy tree. Furthermore, if the too many branches are arising out of the main trunk base then book an appointment with an ISA certified arborist in Mumbai or elsewhere and get your tree reviewed. 

Leaves of the tree: Another way to identify the health of your tree is by way of its leaves. Green and shiny leaves are signs of the healthy tree as against dull and yellow leaves which are signs of an unhealthy tree. Green leaves without luster also call for plant health care services. Another way to assess the health of your tree is by looking at its canopy. Healthy trees have dense canopy (except for fall season) which is not so in the case of unhealthy trees. 

The appearance of Fungus: If fungus is appearing anywhere outside your tree then chances are there that your tree may rot soon or is already rotting from inside. Your hired tree arborist in Mumbai from a renowned tree development consultancy in Mumbai can precisely tell you after proper inspection of the tree that whether your tree can be saved or not. 

When any of the above signs are present in your tree, you must get an appointment with an arboriculture expert so that he can inspect the health of your tree. Urban tree experts not only assess health but also take necessary safe tree retention and protection strategies. They help you to know about your plant health and the ways to improve the health of your tree. Religiously following the guidelines of arboriculture consultancy in India can recover your tree from a bad state and save your tree. you can book appointment Treecotech if you are looking for an expert arboricultural consultancy in Mumbai or elsewhere at a worthy cost. 

Fun Facts About Trees That Everyone Should Know

Fun Facts About Trees That Everyone Should KnowThe importance of trees in our lives cannot be emphasized enough. Since childhood, we are taught about their importance and that they give us food, shelter and life to wildlife. Other most crucial job that the trees do is to clear out the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release more oxygen. They are a beautiful creation of god and it is worth studying them in great detail. The fun facts below should be known to everyone, even those who do not have any arboriculture knowledge.

  1. Trees don’t die of old age:
    As per the data collected so far, it has been observed that the trees are the oldest living organisms on this earth. They don’t die if they grow really old. There are trees which are thousands of years old and still surviving! Organisations across the world are maintaining databases for tracking the age of the trees. Old trees are now preserved in most areas, thanks to environmental awareness. Tree specialist in India can help you in identifying the age of the tree.
  2. They need a lot of water, just like humans!
    Trees drink plenty of water every day. They can extract even hundred gallons per day from the ground below. Where does all this water go? The trees release it in the form of oxygen and water vapours. This whole process of consumption and release is dependent on various factors like type of the tree, location and environmental conditions.
  3. If trees and shrubs are placed at the right position in your home, then you can save up to 25% of your total electricity bills. They provide shade and can keep the home so cool that you wouldn’t require an air conditioner. A certified arborist in India can help you identify which location would be ideal.
  4. There are ‘moon trees’ on earth which were grown from about 500 seeds which were taken for orbiting the moon by Apollo 14 mission! That was in the year 1971. The seeds did not land on the moon though.
  5. Trees communicate with each other, especially when there is an external attack. It has been observed that when insects start their attack on the tree, it releases a chemical in the leaves for defence purposes. It also informs about the attack to other trees so that they can be prepared as well. It is good to know since tree safety is important to all of us!
  6. Pollens are shed by male pine cones and with the help of wind, those pollen reach the female pines cones where the pollination happens.
  7. Trees help in lowering the overall air temperature by evaporating the water.
  8. They also do the job of improving the quality of water for us. They slow down the rainwater going into the ground and save the aquifers.
  9. If you walk in the woods and get lost, trees can give you some direction! The moss and thick rings are more on the northern side.
  10. Different parts of the tree grow in different seasons. The tree doesn’t grow altogether.

Role of Trees in Physical and Mental Health of Humans

Role of Trees in Physical and Mental Health of HumansThere is lots of talk and awareness about the mental health these days. Mental health experts are coming up with lots of things for people to try so that the global issues of depression and anxiety can be addressed. New concepts like use of organic food, digital detoxification etc. are becoming increasingly popular with the rise in the awareness about the impact of technological advancement on our daily lives. People are now going back to the roots and are making connections with our mother nature. Spa retreats, organic living, turning vegan are some of the steps that people are taking for that purpose. Even the housing projects are considering the planning and development of trees as an important step.

In such times, it is important to understand what role do trees play in making us happier? What effect do they have on our mental wellbeing? Trees not only gives us oxygen, clean water, air, food, shelter etc. but they also make us happier.

There have been studies which proves that those people who live in green areas lead a happier and healthier life. Trees can:

  • Lower down the blood pressure, possibly by releasing more oxygen and by improving the air quality.
  • Fastens up the reaction time of people because they give rise to the level of attentiveness.
  • Increase the productivity of employees in workplaces.
  •  Have a positive effect on overall wellbeing of people.
  • Have an impact on the perception of the space around.
  • Help people recover faster from treatment or surgery.
  • Act as a catalyst in work performance and increase the overall job satisfaction.

It is not just job satisfaction, but trees can also increase overall satisfaction levels regarding life in general. The levels of satisfaction are comparable to that of having a job or having a partner. There have been lots of indicators and thesis which have proved that trees have a very positive impact on the lives of people. A tree specialist in India can tell you about their experience with people who might have realised the positive effects of having trees around themselves. The levels of satisfaction and happiness can ultimately even reduce the overall crime rates. In fact, the number of diseases also reduced where the greenery is abundant. This is possibly because many of the diseases are caused by stress.

Arboriculture training can teach you a lot about which trees to grow in which location so that people in that area can get the maximum benefits. Everyone should consider planting some trees in the vicinity of their property. This will be good for the whole community. Trees always take less and give back way more than they take from us. They are good, beautiful, helpful and lifeline for us humans, which is why they should be respected and nurtured. Call up a certified arborist in India today to know more about what can you do to get the maximum from these beautiful creations of nature.

Useful Advices for Tree Care

Useful Advices for Tree Care

Trees need regular care, just like a pet needs attention and care. Those who don’t possess any arboriculture knowledge might have endless questions in their head about how to take care of the trees. If you want a healthy growth of the tree, you need to go through the list of things that you should do (and not do) below:

  1. Regular pruning:
    Some people might feel that pruning will affect the health of the trees negatively or they may feel too lazy to get them pruned, but in fact, pruning is healthy for the trees if it is done once in a while. If it is done very frequently, then it can have a negative impact on tree safety. It is not just the frequency, but also the time of pruning which can affect the health. Fall season is surely a bad time for pruning activities. You can prevent the trees from catching fungus and other diseases if you don’t prune during the fall. Any tree specialist in India will not advise you to go for pruning very frequently i.e. in every season of the year. Best time to go for it in the early spring season. Lastly, make sure you avoid any big cuts which can leave the trees vulnerable.
  2. Keep an eye on diseases:
    This is the point where arboriculture training will be of great help. You should look out for any kinds of diseases that the tree might be catching. You should also keep yourself aware of any outbreaks of tree diseases in your locality. If you can read the signs of a sick of dying tree, you can save a lot of effort, money and even the life of the tree. In case the tree falls after a storm or strong winds, you should do the clean up yourself. Instead, you should hire the help of a Treecotech arboriculture specialist.
  3. Ensure that the tree is not close to power lines. They are a big hazard for the trees. If the planning and development of trees is done properly, obvious hazards like these can easily be avoided. If the tree is too close to power lines, you can trim them from there. Even if the trees are too close to each other as well, it is harmful for them because the roots will not get enough space to expand. If the roots are not healthy, trees won’t grow healthy.
  4. An obvious addition in the list of tree care solutions is to water the trees regularly. Especially in summer season and hot days, regular watering is very important. Make sure you water near the base of the tree. Note that overwatering the trees can make vulnerable of attack by pests or rot the roots as well.
  5. If required, use mulching. That will help in retaining the moisture around the roots of the trees.

You can search on how to hire an expert for a tree survey and get the survey done to make sure that the health of the trees is in place.

Quick Steps to Evaluate and Monitor the Health of the Trees

Maintaining good health for the tree is very tricky at times. Just like any human, trees also need daily care and attention. Any changes in the tree is a sign of something- either good growth or bad health. In case there is any issue with the tree, it should be handled on priority basis before the disease or the issue grows bigger and things become impossible to fix. Practicing tree healthcare can be less tricky if the sick tree is identified early in the stages. The methods for tree risk assessment can be as simple as just visual inspection and monitoring. 

When you visually inspect a tree, you need to concentrate on all the parts, including the roots, leaves, branches and the trunk. There are various aspects that needs to be inspected for the purpose of tree risk assessment.

It is a great idea to start from the bottom of the tree. If you find any issues at the bottom part of the tree, there is a high possibility that the issue will be there in rest of the tree as well. Not just the presence, but also the intensity of the issue can be pretty alarming too.


Below you can find four ways to identify a sick tree and save it from getting into deeper problems:

  1. As stated earlier, concentrating on the bottom of the tree is the most important thing and the method to do so is taught in the tree care training programs. You should try to see if there are any soft spots or if there is a sign of decay anywhere in the roots. If there is a dodgy area that you can spot, better take a picture and inspect again in few days.
  2. Next level is to inspect the collar part. It is the spot where the roots and the trunk meet on the ground. For inspecting the collar, you might need to temporarily remove the grass or land-cover which might be obstructing the view. Make sure that the piece of the bark is not missing from anywhere. Even if the piece of the bark is about to fall or is broken, then also it is a problem. If there are cracks in the trunk, you can expect a problem coming your way.
  3. Going higher up, next in line is the trunk. Mostly, the trunks are never very smooth and even. You need to find deeper cracks which are longer in length. If they are present, it implies that the tree is weak structurally. You can take help from a certified arborist in Mumbai to know the intensity of the decay.
  4. Last step is to concentrate on the crown of the tree. You need to make sure that there are no limbs which are missing the bark or any hanging or broken branches. Even if there are any bare branches, then it could be a sign of a problem.

These were some quick and easy steps, but if you think they are overwhelming for you, then you can avail the services of an arborist in India to inspect the trees.